Eka Recovery Fund for Yoga Professionals | Yoga Alliance

Foundation > Eka Recovery Fund for Yoga Professionals

Eka Recovery Fund for Yoga Professionals

The Eka Recovery Fund supports yoga professionals in returning to and/or sustaining their work and sponsors activities that facilitate economic recovery. This work sits at the intersection of economic recovery, yoga service, and community outreach.

Eka Recovery Fund initiatives focus on historically marginalized communities, which are disproportionally affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and by the bio-psycho-social impact of stress. Those experiencing marginalization also often face more barriers to yoga, which can serve as a valuable tool when navigating high levels of stress, uncertainty, and discrimination.

To support ongoing access to yoga and to provide economic recovery support to yoga professionals around the world, Yoga Alliance Foundation launched the following programs:

Teaching for Equity

Supporting yoga professionals who serve for little or no pay in bringing the benefits of yoga to communities who have experienced marginalization.

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Eka Well-Being Services

Free, short-term counseling service providing one-on-one mental health care for yoga professionals and those in their families facing barriers of access to these vital services.

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Contribute to YAF

By donating to the Yoga Alliance Foundation, you will help:

• Broaden access to yoga’s healing potential
• Foster greater equity and more diverse representation within the yoga community
• Expand educational, service, and economic opportunities for yoga teachers

Donate Now

For questions about the Eka Recovery Fund, please email us at foundation@yogaalliance.org. (The Yoga Alliance Foundation is not currently accepting unsolicited proposals for grants or scholarships.)

COVID-19 Relief

Selected Emergency Relief Fund recipients describe their journey through the challenges of the pandemic.


Yoga & Resilience Workshop Series

Hear from yoga teachers worldwide who have leaned into their yoga to innovate, serve, deepen self-discovery, and build community throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

Watch series episodes below.