CE Workshop | Create Balance in Your Joints: Flexibility or Stability | Yoga Alliance

CE Workshop | Create Balance in Your Joints: Flexibility or Stability

December 15, 2017

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About This Workshop

Explore your expression and depth in asana to establish joint balance on and off the mat. Learn strengthening and stretching techniques to avoid compression and hyper-mobility. This workshop reviews classic philosophical lessons that illuminate and support the physical practice of yoga.

About the Presenter

Known as a “teachers' teacher,” Annie is the creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, an intelligent marriage of mindful movement with compassionate, wakeful alignment. Practicing yoga since the 70s, Annie continues to be a dedicated student (geek) of anatomy, evolutionary movement, meditation, and classical philosophy. She is a contributor to Yoga Journal and YogaGlo, and offers workshops and trainings all over the world.

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