Our Bill is Headed to the Senate Floor! | Yoga Alliance

Our Bill is Headed to the Senate Floor

March 3, 2015

This morning, the Colorado Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved Senate Bill 186, a bipartisan bill to exempt yoga teacher trainings (YTTs) from burdensome regulation by the Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS). The bill, which the Senate Education Committee approved last week by another unanimous vote, is now headed to the Senate floor for a vote by the full Senate.

Yoga Alliance® strongly supports this critical legislation, and has advocated for its passage. We applaud bill sponsors Sen. Laura Woods, Rep. Alec Garnett and Rep. Tim Dore, and other members of the General Assembly who have supported this important effort to protect YTTs from unnecessary and harmful regulations and to ensure the continued vitality of the Colorado yoga community.

We expect SB 186 to be considered by the full Senate in the coming days. If you would like to help keep the momentum going, please:

Keep the Letters Coming!

Throughout this process we have asked you to write letters – and you did! Over the past weeks, the yoga community has sent hundreds of letters to our elected representatives and really got their attention. Instructions on sending more can be found on our new Advocacy page.

Together, we have rallied the yoga community, we’ve won over the local media and we’ve garnered the support of many in the General Assembly to protect the Colorado community. Please help us to continue this important work and get the job done with a financial contribution. A donation of any amount is welcome can be submitted through PayPal.

Thank you for your support. 

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