New Students, New Opportunities | Yoga Alliance

New Students, New Opportunities

Published: July 25, 2016

The 2016 Yoga in America Study has painted a clear picture about yoga now and in the future. Today, there are 36.7 million people practicing yoga in the U.S., with another 80 million people planning to try it. We’re pleased to learn that the growth in yoga includes increasing numbers of men and older Americans who are being welcomed into studios with open arms.

Changes in practitioner demographics introduce new opportunities and challenges for yoga teachers and studios. As new students are picking up yoga mats for the first time, yoga teachers should be taking the time to engage in continuing education now to gain new skills to better serve the interests and needs of these new populations.

Of course, the need to participate in continuing education goes far beyond learning to better serve yoga’s influx of men and older students. Seventy-four percent of students in the U.S. have been practicing for fewer than five years, and 35 percent of students agree that a quality of a great yoga teacher is that he or she participates in ongoing learning.

If you haven’t already, take time to review the full 2016 Yoga in America Study report. 2016 is the year to step it up and hone your teaching skills through continuing education!

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