We Need to Hear From You, Alaska! | Yoga Alliance

We Need to Hear From You, Alaska!

November 3, 2015

Yoga Alliance has been contacted by yoga teacher training programs (YTTs) in Alaska regarding recent interactions with the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE). We have learned that the ACPE may be requiring Alaska YTTs to comply with state regulations meant for vocational or professional programs and pay annual fees to operate in the state. Like you, Yoga Alliance has concerns about burdensome regulation of YTTs and is closely monitoring the actions of ACPE.

Take This One Minute Survey

As we continue assessing the regulatory environment in your state, we hope you will share you experiences with us. If your YTT is currently subject to ACPE regulations or if you have been contacted by ACPE, please let us know by taking our short survey. Further, if you have received correspondence from ACPE, please send us a copy at info@yogaalliance.org.

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